Saadani National Park – Tanzania Saadani National Park Travel Guide

Saadani National Park is the thirteenth national park in Tanzania, located along the Indian Ocean coast in the Pwani Region and Morogoro Region, 100 kilometers from Dar es Salaam. Covering an area of 1,100 square kilometers, the park was established in 2005. The park is primarily composed of forests and tropical grassland savannah, and is home to a variety of wildlife including giraffes, zebras, antelopes, elephants, lions, leopards, yellow baboons, and colobus monkeys.

Saadani National Park is a rare wildlife park that borders the Indian Ocean. With palm trees swaying in the cool sea breeze, white sands, and blue waters shimmering under the tropical sun, the park offers a mesmerizing coastal scenery. Situated at the junction of the beach and low shrubbery, Saadani is the only wildlife sanctuary in East Africa, a source of pride for the coastal communities along the Indian Ocean. It features all the characteristics of Tanzania’s tropical coastline, attracting sun-loving Europeans to its islands. However, their leisure time might be interrupted by an elephant strolling by or hindered by lions drinking near a waterhole.

Reasons to visit Saadani National Park: The only wildlife sanctuary in East Africa

Continent: Africa

Country: Tanzania

Region: Pwani Region


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