The island of Grand Bahama is the fourth largest island in the Commonwealth of the Bahamas in the West Indies, with a width of 12 kilometers east to west, a length of 24 kilometers north to south, and an area of 1373 square kilometers. It is located at the northern end of the Bahama Islands, approximately 96 kilometers west of the Florida Peninsula in the United States. Grand Bahama Island is both an island and administrative region in the Bahamas, located just west of Great Abaco Island, covering an area of 1,373 square kilometers (530 square miles). Its economy is primarily based on tourism, forestry (especially pine trees), and fishing. The population is approximately 40,898 (in 1990). The island has a flat terrain, a mild climate, abundant pine trees, and picturesque scenery, making it a famous resort for recuperation and sightseeing. Along the coastline are pristine, sandy beaches with thatched gazebos for visitors to relax and rest. Far away from the hustle and bustle of big cities, Grand Bahama Island exudes a tranquil and peaceful atmosphere, offering a unique charm of its own.