The Hanging Gardens of Babylon – Iraq Babylon Hanging Gardens Travel Guide

Like the Colossus of Rhodes, archaeologists have yet to find any trace of the Hanging Gardens, in fact, many ancient authors who mentioned the Hanging Gardens in their works only heard about it from others and did not actually see it. Is the Hanging Gardens purely a legend?

The Hanging Gardens were located to the east of the Euphrates River, about 50 miles south of the Iraqi capital Baghdad, in the ancient city of Babylon, one of the four great civilizations. The Babylonian Hanging Gardens were never actually hanging in the air; the name purely came from the incorrect translation of the Greek “kremastos” and the Latin “pensilis,” which originally meant “hanging” as well as “overhanging.”

It is generally believed that the Hanging Gardens were built by King Nebuchadnezzar (reigned ca. 604 BC – ca. 562 BC) to comfort his wife Queen Amytis, who was homesick, by recreating the gardens of her homeland on the mountains.


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